Turquoise Ring #1911
Natural Gems Canada
Size of Ring Top: 22x14.7mm
Settings: 925 Sterling Silver, heavy silver
Size of ring could be adjusted
Please Note, the Turquoise and Coral products sold here got treated and enhanced, which are acceptable in this industry. The stone are genuine Turquoise and Coral stones, but they are got treated in the following ways for color enhancement and stabilization.
Most turquoise sold for use in jewelry-making is stabilized. There are three main stabilization treatments currently applied to turquoise stones:
- Paraffin polish
- Polyresin polish
- Impregnation of a colorless bonding agent--commonly plastic--for basic stabilization. This stabilization increases the durability, hardness, chemical resistance and uniform appearance of the turquoise. Stabilization frequently darkens the color and gives the stone a glossy appearance--a handy way to identify basic stabilized turquoise.
Our Turquoise and Coral products are for fashion purpose, not for collections!
我们需要在此做出声明:绿松石由于质地松软,孔隙多,行业内,对于COMMERCIAL 级别的产品,通常会做处理,来加强其颜色和稳定性:
- 为了美化一些品质较差的天然绿松石的外表、色泽,提高质地和密度,通常采用以下方法来改质。这种做法得到了珠宝饰品界的认可。
- 注蜡:俗称蘸蜡,在绿松石加工完成以后再表面附着一层蜡,可以改善表面的孔洞的缺陷并使颜色更加亮丽,并保护绿松石内部结构不被其他液体侵蚀。是宝石类饰品常见的表面处理方法,并不会改变绿松石内部结构。
- 注塑:主要是为了提高绿松石硬度,同时也提高绿松石加工过程中的成品率。有时也可以在注色的过程中添加着色剂,可以改善孔洞的缺陷,而且可以减少表面光的散射,使绿松石显示柔和的蓝色调,还也可以提高硬度。绿松石注塑处理,也被称作绿松石稳定化处理。稳定化处理过的绿松石有较好的色泽和较小的密度,不过,经过热针测试会使塑料析出,而导致毁坏。
- 柴可利(Zachery)处理:可以美化绿松石色泽,减少孔隙而且不加入任何外来非天然物质。处理后的宝石显示出一种“知更鸟蛋”的蓝色,十分美观。