English Articles

Jadeite Treatments

The trade groups jadeite into three basic types: Type A, Type B, and Type C.

T y p e A  jadeite —Natural jadeite enhanced only with a surface coating of wax.

T y p e B  jadeite —Natural jadeite that’s bleached in acid to remove undesirable staining, then impregnated with wax or polymers.

T y p e C  jadeite —Natural jadeite that’s dyed and often bleached and impregnated with wax or polymers.

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Why Do People Love Wearing Jade Peace Buckle Pendants?

The Chinese eternity symbol, or pi, bears great spiritual significance for many jade connoisseurs.

The shape is simple: a convex or plump disk with a round hole in its center, representing the endless circle of life, longevity, ever-lasting life.

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Why Do People Love Wearing Jade Bangles?

The jade bangle, first carved in China from nephrite, is a style thought to date back at least four thousand years. A smooth circle of bright jade wrapping the wrist is thought, even today, to bring peace and protection to its wearer.

To some jade lovers, a broken bangle is not simply a misfortune—it might even predict disaster.

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What's the Difference Between Jadeite and Nephrite Jade?

Difference Between Jadeite and Nephrite Jade on Chemical; Structure; Color. The chemical differences between nephrite and jadeite are subtle enough to allow both to be called jade.

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