Canadian Ammolite

Ammolite is an opal-like organic gemstone found primarily along the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains of North America. It is made of the fossilized shells of ammonites, which are composed primarily of aragonite, the same mineral contained in nacre (mother of pearl), with a microstructure inherited from the shell. It is one of few biogenic (produced by living organisms) gemstones. In 1981, ammolite was given official gemstone status by the world jewellery confederation (CIBJO), the same year commercial mining of ammolite began.

In addition to Ammolites general beauty, it also has an outstanding number of healing properties. There are three traits that are most recognized with the properties of the Ammolite, these include: perfection, wisdom and knowledge. The stone is said to hold the energies of the universe. This stone is intended to connect you with the environment on both a physical and spiritual level. It connects to the root chakra and has strong protective energies that can help guide people through challenges, trauma, sickness, and various other problems. Through a deep connection with the stone, people have noted that it brought them prosperity and luck. 

For more details, please refer to this page: Know A Little Bit About Ammolite 

斑彩石是一种稀有的发乳光的宝石,成分来源是菊石的化石残骸。主要见于落基山脉的东坡。斑彩石是一种有机生物化石,是七千万年前斑彩螺的外壳化石。是最近50年来全球新发现的最重要的三种宝石之一。从古至今,无论是在西方,还是在东方,它都被认为是具有宇宙神奇的力量而被人争相追寻。它拥有自然界以及你能想象得出的所有的色彩。目前国际上承认的真正的宝石级别的斑彩石都来自北美的阿尔伯塔。这一地区的斑彩石色彩最为艳丽。 1981年国际珠宝联合会(CIBJO)正式承认斑彩石为宝石。

Information credit: The Healing Properties of Ammolite

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